Welcome Aboard Retirees

We are here to help protect your nest egg and grow your retirement income.

This is to free you from worry and uncertainty, so you can live your golden years with purpose and stability.  Together, we can make journey more enjoyable.

Heathmont Financial was established because we are passionate about providing high standards of client care in financial services, in a way that really understands you, your life, your family and the way you want to live. 

An outstanding level of care that honours your life purpose, sets you up for retirement and the way you want to live it.


Heathmont Financial


Level 25, 100 Mount Street

North Sydney NSW 2060


1300 566 838


Good advice has a cumulative effect. Our job is to grow your capital and place you in a better position over time. It is also about the right allocation of capital for future use. We are confident that can provide an exceptional outcome for you, and invite you to read our client testimonials.

We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy when others are fearful
— Warren Buffett


Making your retirement income last as long as possible.

We guide, assist, advise and implement a range of strategies that assist you to make the transition from work to retirement something to enjoy. Providing you with some certainty when it comes to protecting your hard earned income and capital. We design and build retirement income streams to support your situation, tolerance for risk and your ideal lifestyle.   We will recommend the most suitable way to increase your retirement income and pay as little tax as possible. 

Make your money work harder | Investments

You’ve worked hard all your life, now it’s time to get your money working for you.

We research, select and implement a range of investments designed to help you enjoy a stress-free retirement. Fundamentally, the protection of your capital over time and the understanding of the risks associated are important considerations in what we do.  We steer clear of investment schemes that are overly complex, too tax focussed or charge unfair performance fees.


Grow your money | Share Portfolios

We design, build and manage share portfolios for you and your family.  

From individual accounts to large SMSF's we create and manage portfolios of shares and investments to suit your particular objectives and goals.  Unlike our competitors, we use technical analysis to identify entry and exit points and to confirm our fundamental research.

Caring for your loved ones | Aged Care

Getting older does not have to be complicated.

We can help you with making the right financial decisions for the well-being and comfort of your loved ones. We help to reduce fees payable to the aged-care facility, improve your cash flow by getting you more pension entitlements, and find the best way to structure your accommodation bond.